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№107-01-2007 23:28:21

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Session Manager

Session Manager

Размер: 120,9 Кбайт
Автор расширения: Morac
Домашняя страница: http://sessionmanager.mozdev.org/
addons.mozilla.org: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/2324
Перевод: stoneflash
Дата последнего обновления: 02.01.2008
Совместимоcть: ffico.png 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

Описание: Session Manager сохраняет и восстанавливает состояние всех окон и вкладок. Также Session Manager позволяет вам восстанавливать случайно закрытые окна и вкладки.

Это расширение заменяет SessionSaver и встроенный в Tab Mix Plus менеджер сессий. Оно сохраняет больше данных, чем любое другое из них и более надёжно.

Хотя и не рекомендуется использовать одновременно несколько расширений для работы с сессиями, Session Manager может работать с Tab Mix Plus, если на вкладке "Сессии" в настройках TMP отмечены опции "Использовать встроенную функцию восстановления сессий" и "Включить защиту от вылетов".


Примечание: эта версия Session Manager работает только с Firefox 2.0+. Пользователям Flock и Seamonkey нужно использовать версию 0.4.3.

Отредактировано stoneflash (02-01-2008 14:11:50)

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№214-01-2007 21:22:20

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Session Manager

Версия: 0.5.2
What's new:

* Made compatible with Tab Mix Plus's Single Window Mode.
* Automatically enables SessionStore since Session Manager cannot function without it and presumably anyone who installs Session Manager actually wants to use it. It also enables crash recovery since Session Manager needs that enabled to display the crash dialogue box.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№328-01-2007 22:37:11

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Firefox 2.0

Re: Session Manager

Версия: 0.5.3
What's new:

* Closed tabs that had icons now display them in the closed tab menu.
* Added clear list menu option to list menu so user doesn't have to go into the options to clear the list.
* Updated ru-RU locale, Added da-DK locale.
* Work around for Bug 350558 which can cause closed tab data to become corrupted (closed tabs can't be restored from loaded sessions).
* Some code optimization.

What's new:

* Fixed bug where closed tabs would not be restored if the "Replace Existing Windows" option was not selected or if the shift key was held down while restoring sessions.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№417-05-2007 17:20:32

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Session Manager

Что нового:

* tr-TR and sk-SK locales added.

Что нового:

* hu-HU, de-DE, sr-Yu, pt-PT locales added.
* zh-CN and pt-BR locales contain some machine translated phrases since the translators are MIA and they were holding up the release of When/if I receive the updated translations, I'll correct this. If you want them corrected, just send me updated locales and I'll include them in the next build.
* fr-FR locale mistranslation corrected.
* Obsolete de-CH removed (de-DE is used for all "de" now).
* Added option to disable crash recovery.
* The URL of a closed tab will display in the status bar when it's entry is hovered over in the undo close tab list.
* Added option to move the default saved sessions location for people who want multiple profiles, users, platforms, OS's, etc to be able to access the same saved sessions list.
* Added preference to disable built in implementation of Cache Fixer for those who don't like it or have issues with it. To disable set the "extensions.sessionmanager.disable_cache_fixer" preference to true.
* Fixed "Reload on Window Restore" to work when restarting Firefox.
* Fixed issue where sometimes closing a Window would not enable the closed tab/window menu.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№511-06-2007 21:13:51

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Session Manager

Что нового:

* zh-CN and pt-BR locales updated.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№630-07-2007 00:44:45

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Session Manager

Версия: 0.5.4
Что нового:

* Added the ability to clear out Session Manager saved session data through the Firefox "Clear Private Data..." menu.
* Fixed Bug 17196 - Windows that are opened when exiting Firefox will no longer be added to the closed window list.
* Fixed Bug 16976 - tr-TR error corrected.
* Fixed issue where if reload all restored window was checked and Tab Mix Plus was loaded, any tab that was un-closed would reload.
* Fixed issue where if the browser.sessionstore.postdata preference was not 0 and Tab Mix Plus is installed or upgraded, the browser.sessionstore.postdata preference was reset back to 0.
* Added: cs-CZ locale.

Что нового:

* Added mk-MK and fi-FI locales.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№720-12-2007 20:26:14

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Session Manager

Что нового:

- Fixed conversion error from 0.4.3 version where name would always be "(Untitled)". This was a regression.
- More work-arounds for Firefox bug 350558. This should fix the problems where tabs get stuck in "Loading..." and will also fix most (but not all) of the cases where an "aTabData.entries.forEach is not a function" alert would display when saving sessions. This error won't be completely fixed until the user upgrades to Firefox 3.0 (when it's released) or when bug 402349 is fixed in Firefox 2.0.x
- No longer breaks Firefox options in Firefox 3.0 betas.
- Added Korean localization

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№802-01-2008 14:12:38

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Session Manager

Что нового:

* Fixed bug 17862 - Older backup sessions now display the time they were created and not when they were backed up.
* Fixed bug 17875 - If there is only one blank window, loading a session will always replace that window even if the user chooses to load into a new window. Windows with closed tabs are not considered "blank", so a new window will open in that case.
* Fixed bug 18016 - User can specify the date format used in the session names. The default is the ISO date format, but this can be overridden by specifying a specific format in quotes after the %d. For example %d"%Y-%d-%m" will use YYYY-DD-MM. The format string used is the same as that used for the toLocaleFormat javascript date function.
* Fixed bug 18119 - Saved crashed sessions will now be encrypted if that option is selected. They won't actually encrypt until you use the Session Manager menu the first time after recovering from a crash and only if you put in your master password (if set).
* Fixed bug 18376 - Backup sessions are now always stored in the user specified session directory instead of the default one.
* Added Swedish localization

Добавлено Wed Jan  2 14:13:02 2008 :
Что нового:

Fix to bug 17875 in caused a problem with opening sessions in Firefox 3.0b3 on all platforms and in Firefox on OS X in certain instances. This was corrected.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№930-08-2009 00:47:45

Группа: Administrators
Откуда: Moscow, Russia
Зарегистрирован: 23-01-2005
Сообщений: 14015
UA: Minefield 3.7

Re: Session Manager

Session Manager

Размер: 261,1 Кбайт
Автор расширения: Morac
Домашняя страница: http://sessionmanager.mozdev.org/
Перевод на русский язык: есть
Дата последнего обновления: 01.07.2009
Совместимоcть: ffico.png 3.0 - 3.6a1pre flico.png 1.2 - 2.6 smico.png 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1 


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