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Разработка » Deep Learning Interview Questions » 18-04-2023 12:19:11

I'm having difficulty understanding some of the deep-learning interview questions I've come across from an online resource. Specifically, I'm having trouble with some of the code examples. I'm hoping someone can provide some insight into how to approach these questions.

I've included some of the code examples below for reference. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Example 1:
def deepLearningModel(data):
  # Initialize weights
  weights = np.random.rand(len(data[0]))

  # Initialize bias
  bias = 0

  # Hyperparameters
  learningRate = 0.1
  numEpochs = 2000
  # Train the model
  for epoch in range(numEpochs):
    # Calculate predicted values
    preds = np.dot(data, weights) + bias
    # Calculate gradients
    gradients = 2 * np.dot(data.T, (preds - data[:,-1]))
    weights -= learningRate * gradients
    bias -= learningRate * np.sum(preds - data[:,-1])

  return weights, bias

Разработка » Kubernetes Interview Questions » 14-04-2023 14:56:07


I am preparing for an upcoming interview and I'm having trouble understanding some of the Kubernetes concepts. I have been researching online and going through existing questions and answers, but I am still having trouble understanding how certain code works and what it is doing.

For example, I don't understand this code snippet:

Выделить код


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
      app: my-app
  replicas: 2
        app: my-app
        - name: my-container
          image: my-image:latest

Can someone please explain what this code does and how it works? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Разработка » отключить доступ к настройкам Thunderbird » 11-04-2023 11:35:40

To disable the visibility of a Thunderbird settings item or disable the edit settings activity for a single setting.....you can do
First, Launch Thunderbird and go to the "Preferences" or "Options" menu, depending on your operating system.
In the Preferences or Options window, navigate to the specific setting that you want to disable. For example, if you want to disable the "synchronization and storage" item, locate it in the appropriate category or tab.
Click on the setting or the corresponding item, and select the option to disable or hide it. The specific option may vary depending on the Thunderbird version and operating system you are using, but it is usually labeled as "Disable" or "Hide".

Программы и ОС » Reversing a linked list in Java » 07-04-2023 16:13:19

I'm having trouble reversing a linked list in Java. I'm trying to use the solution outlined in the following article:

I've written the following code, but it's not working correctly

public static LinkedListNode reverse(LinkedListNode head) {
    LinkedListNode pre = null;
    LinkedListNode curr = head;
    while (curr != null) {
        LinkedListNode next = curr.next;
        curr.next = pre;
        pre = curr;
        curr = next;
    return pre;

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Программы и ОС » Программа для поиска повторов в txt файлах. » 09-01-2023 11:33:39

The easiest way to clean a text file from line repetitions is to use a text editor with the built-in ability to remove duplicate lines. Popular text editors such as AkelPad, Notepad++, and Sublime Text all have this feature. Simply open the text file you wish to clean, select the "Edit" menu, then select the "Remove Duplicate Lines" option. This will quickly and easily remove any duplicate lines from the text file.

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