Здравствуйте! Не могу установить тему на странице:
На обоих компьютерах дома стоит Mozilla 3.0, на обоих одинаковая ОС - Windows XP
Но на одном компе на указанной странице ссылка на скачивание - кнопка "Добавить в Firefox", если кликнуть, тема начнёт загружаться и после перезугрузки браузера появится в Mozilla - Инструменты - Дополнения - Темы; а на другом компьютере на этой же странице:
ссылка на скачивание темы - кнопка: "Загрузить", кликнув на которую, открывается окно Windows, в котором отображены файлы моего компьютера и требуется выбрать через проводник папку для сохранения темы в формате "jar". Я пробовала сохранять в C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\chrome и в C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extenions, но тема в Mozilla - Инструменты - Дополнения - Темы не отображается, даже после перезагрузки компьютера.
Та же проблема возникает при установке расширений со страниц:
Как установить тему?
А может кто объяснить подробно как из этого скина установить иконки (тема сама встала) в FF3
описание из архива на английском
In the rar file you just downloaded there are a few text files and a JAR file.
Each text file must be added in the stylish addon. But the file you need to add depends on the style you like...
To install a style into stylish, just go to addons -> stylish and press "write"), and copy and paste the text from the textfile
Static aurora version:
Longhornstylev1.txt ----> This will be the first and only style to apply in Stylish...
(you'll see the entire Longhorn UI and static aurora if you did it right...)
Lightweight animated aurora version:
Longhornstylev1.txt ----> This will be the first style to apply in Stylish..
(you'll see the entire Longhorn UI and static aurora if you did it right...)
Lightweightaurorav1.txt ----> This will be the second style to apply in Stylish..
(you'll see the entire Longhorn UI with moving aurora if you did it right...)
NOTE: first apply the base style (longhornstylev1), then apply the Aurora (lightweightaurorav1),
if you don't do it in the correct order, your aurora will be messed up.
Heavy animated aurora version:
Longhornstylev1.txt ----> This will be the first style to apply
(you'll see the entire Longhorn UI and static aurora if you did it right...)
kemp_temp.jar ----> Drag this jar file (it's in the folder "heavyauroratheme")
from your PC to the firefox addons/themes screen.
Once it installed, restart firefox as suggested.
heavyaurorav1.txt ----> When the browser restarted, this will be the second style to apply in Stylish.
(you'll see the entire Longhorn UI with the full animated aurora if you did it right...)
NOTE: first apply the base style (longhornstylev1), then apply the theme (jar file), after the restart apply
the aurora (heavyaurora) in Stylish, if you don't do it in the correct order, your aurora will be messed up.
Heavy aurora will use lots of RAM memory (can be like 200MB!), if you want better resources handling, but still want the aurora to be animated, just go for the Lightweight aurora which doesn't use any noticable ram
Firefox3 icon
Replace the firefox.exe in your program files (firefox 3 final) with the one from this package...
This theme and it's components are made by me, Dannydeman, almost all of the coding is done by myself and all the resources
were made by me (well, didn't make the orignal LH sources of course, but you'll get the point...)
Also thanks to:
* Daniel aka Ludacris for helping in the beginning with the first steps of this great theme and for testing and stuff like that
* PandaX for testing and sharing some resources (starbuttons)
* Oscar for giving me the exact timings of the XAML aurora file
* Michael aka Lost Soul for the navigationbutton resources and testing the theme out....
* Some guys who made IE7 styles for the Stylish addons, thanks to their files I figured out how this theme stuff worked...
* DJ GX for beta testing the theme
* The addressbar with HTTPS sites can be messed up. I'll fix in the next release
* When you open favorites or history, the aurora will get displaced untill you close it again,
will fix this in the next release.
ссылка на тему http://dannydeman.deviantart.com/art/Lo … 1-90122022
Отредактировано Si.A.A. (30-06-2008 00:23:05)
те, кто умеет читать и не лениться это делать прошу сюда http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/sidorovnin