Размер: 308 Кб
Автор расширения: SHIMODA Hiroshi
Дата последнего обновления: 17.11.2005
Домашняя страница: http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/tabextensions/index.html.en
Перевод: Unghost и L'Autour
Совместимо с версиями Firefox: 0.6 - 1.5.0.*
Описание: Самое мощное средство для работы с вкладками. Позволяет делать с ними практически все что угодно.
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Это одно из самых мощных расширений, в то же время иногда оно вызывает большие проблемы при работе с браузером.
Его преимуществах, недостатки и возможные проблемы описаны на странице http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/tabextensions/tradeoff.html.en
Не ставьте его параллельно с другими расширениями работающими со вкладками - у вас могут возникнуть проблемы.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Выложен перевод Tabbrowser Extensions 1.14.2005092501.
Что нового по сравнению с прошлой переведенной версией - 1.14.2005082201:
* Fixed: Unclosable tab which has child tabs disappeared.
* Modified: Some operations bypass security limitation.1.14.20050922
* Fixed: "Bookmark this page" and "bookmark all tabs" features for multiple tabs work correctly.
* Fixed: "Bookmark this page" and "bookmark all tabs" features for multiple tabs work correctly.
* Fixed: An error, appeared when a tab is closed just after tabs are rearranged, disappeared.
* Fixed: Drag-and-drop actions rearrange tabs correctly.1.14.20050915
* Fixed: Broken relations between tabs and contents, on Firefox 1.0.x, disappeared.
* Fixed: Broken relations between tabs and contents, on Firefox 1.0.x, disappeared.
* Fixed: Importing feature of TBE preferences works correctly.
* Fixed: Some problems in operations of reopening tabs on the startup disappeared.
* Fixed: Error on context menu in the undocked Sidebar panels (with Ez Sidebar) disappeared.
* Fixed: "View Source in Tab" feature works again (but the behavior is still strange).1.14.20050905
* Fixed: Wrong grouping of tabs by link click in Sidebar panels disappeared.
* Fixed: Initializing error disappeared.
* Fixed: The context menu in the Sidebar is shown correctly even if there is no available tab.
* Fixed: Startup error, when several tabs are open in the previosu session, disappeared.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Выложен перевод Tabbrowser Extensions 1.15.2005111302.
Что нового по сравнению с прошлой переведенной версией - 1.14.2005092501:
* Fixed: Settings of tabs from links are work correctly even if the rule to detect links to download files is broken.
* Improved: The progress meter in the status bare can be hidden.
* Improved: "New Tab" command can open background tabs.
* Improved: New blank tabs can be blocked for links to download files.
* Improved: Three actions, Ctrl-click, Shift-click and Alt-click, on tabs and the tab bar can be bound to custom features.For developers:
* New entity "showProgressInStatusbar" is added to "appearanceTab.dtd".
* New 3 entities, "tabPref.new.focus.group", "loadInForeground" and "loadInBackground" are added to "new.dtd".
* New 8 entities, from "tabPref.links.block_uri.tab" to "tabPref.links.block_uri.rule.label", are added to "links.dtd".
* New 8 entities, from "tabPref.gestures.click.tab.shift" to "tabPref.gestures.click.tab.alt", and from "tabPref.gestures.click.tabbar.shift" to "tabPref.gestures.click.tabbar.alt", are added to "gestures.dtd".
Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Tabbrowser_Extensions_2.0.2005111701 (20051117)
Размер: 318 Кб
Автор расширения: SHIMODA Hiroshi
Дата последнего обновления: 18.11.2005
Домашняя страница: http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/tabextensi … ex.html.en
Перевод: Unghost и L'Autour
Совместимо с версиями Firefox: 0.6 - 1.5.0.*
Что нового по сравнению с прошлой переведенной версией - 1.15.2005111302:
* Improved: The behavior of tab tree becomes like Explorer in Windows XP.
* Fixed: State of twisty and subgroup of a tab are completely coincided.2.0.2005111701
* Improved: Number of its descendant tabs are displayed instead of children, for collapsed subgroups.
* Improved: Subgroups are collapsed/expanded without focus by clicking on its twisty. ("+" or "-")
* Fixed: Only one tab is selected correctly.
* Fixed: Child tabs are inserted to the position of the closed parent tab.
* Fixed: Subgroups keep open even if other tabs are closed by their closebox.2.0.2005111602
* Fixed: In Windows Explorer compatible mode, nested trees are collapsed/expanded correctly.
* Improved: Vertical tabs can be made narrow.For developers:
* New 2 entities "advancedTabGroupPrefs.group.tab" and "advancedTabGroupPrefs.tree.tab" are added to "group.dtd".
* A new entity "narrowTab" is added to "appearanceTabbar.dtd".2.0.2005111601
* Improved: Tree-style tabs are now available.
* Improved: Setting of the parent tab can be inherited by child tabs.
* Improved: Reopened tab can be put to the original place or not.
* Fixed: Tab-moving from a browser window to another by drag-and-drop is available again.For developers:
* A new entity "applyOriginalIndex" is added to "undo.dtd"
* New 19 entities, from "tabPref.group.caption" to "tabPref.group.tree, advancedTabGroupPrefs.group.caption", from "advancedTabGroupPrefs.tree.caption" to "onSubgroupRootRemoved.desc", "animateCollapseExpan", "simpleOperation", and from "advancedTabGroupPrefs.inheritance.captiom" to "inheritAllow" are added to "group.dtd".
* New 5 entities, "ontabclick.collapseExpandGroup", "preset.tree", "preset.tree.desc", "preset.sleipnir-tree", "preset.sleipnir-tree.desc" are added to "tabextensions.dtd".
* New 3 items, "confirm_autosetting_group_prefs_title", "confirm_autosetting_group_prefs_text" and "label_collapseExpandGroup" are added to "tabextensions.properties".
Отредактировано L'Autour (21-11-2005 14:04:06)