Полезная информация

Пользователи не любят читать документацию. Станьте оригинальным, будьте не как все. Ознакомьтесь с нашей базой знаний.

№124-10-2011 01:36:49

Группа: Extensions
Зарегистрирован: 31-01-2010
Сообщений: 2718
UA: Nightly 10.0



Автор: hosts

Описание: позволяет использовать сервис BugMeNot.com для поиска рабочих связок логин-паролей для любого сайта.

Использование: установите скрипт, зайдите на любой сайт, где есть поле для ввода пароля и кликните ЛКМ по нему. Справа от поля появится панель, в которой будут 3 кнопки: нажав верхнюю - автоматически вставятся логин и пароль в формы на сайте, нажав среднюю откроется страница bugmenot.com с поиском по тому сайту, что вы просматриваете (нужно, если требуется посмотреть остальные связки логин-паролей для этого сайта), а нажав нижнюю кнопку - просто откроется сайт с сервисом bugmenot.com


Примечание: постарайтесь не компрометировать пароли и явки :) т.к. не все сайтоводы лояльны к подобного рода сервисам - постарайтесь не привлекать к себе особо много внимания, дабы не вызвать бан аккаунта.
По-возможности - пополняйте базу логин-паролей и голосуйте за/против живые/мёртвые связки на соответствующих страницах bugmenot.

Установить: с USO.

Код скрипта

Выделить код


// ==UserScript==
// @name           BugMeNot
// @namespace      http://
// @include        http://*
// @exclude        *bugmenot*
// ==/UserScript==
// latest update 01.03.09
// based on code found at http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/h/4171
// Notes from previous releases (this release does't have any permission)
// ----------------------------
// based on code by Matt McCarthy
// and included here with his gracious permission

// new logins gotten from the current page (reset on every page load)

var retrievals = 0;

// millisecond delay between a field losing focus and checking to see
// if any other of our fields has focus. If this is too low, the menu
// won't work because it will get "display: none" and its onclick
// won't fire.

var BLUR_TIMEOUT = 150;


//phoneRegex = /(?:http://)(.*)/.*?/;

//doma= location.href.match( phoneRegex );

myString = location.href;
domainnameRE = new RegExp("(?:http://)(.*?)/.*?", "i");
domainname = myString.match(domainnameRE)
domainname = domainname[1];
//alert (domainname);
var allInputs = null;
var bmnView = "http://bugmenot.com/view";
var bmnUri = bmnView + "/" + domainname;
var bmnHomeUri = "http://bugmenot.com/";
var DEBUG = false;
var bmnWrappers = new Object();

var Style = {
    menuLink: {
        border: "none",
        backgroundColor: "#fff",
        color: "#000",
        display: "block",
        padding: "2px",
        margin: "0",
        width: "12em",
        fontSize: "8pt",
        fontWeight: "normal",
        textDecoration: "none"
    menuLinkHover: {
        backgroundColor: "#316AC5",
        color: "#fff"
    menuLinkWrapper: {
        textAlign: "left",
        padding: "1px",
        margin: 0

    bmnWrapper: {
        display: "none",
        fontFamily: "tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif",
        whiteSpace: "nowrap",
        position: "absolute",
        zIndex: 1000,
        padding: "2px",
        border: "1px solid #ACA899",
        backgroundColor: "#fff",
        opacity: "0.9",
        filter: "alpha(opacity=90)"

function copyProperties(to, from) {
    for (var i in from) {
        to[i] = from[i];

function main() {

function getBmnWrapper(pwFieldIndex) {
    return document.getElementById("reify-bugmenot-bmnWrapper" +

function processPasswordFields() {
    var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    //allInputslength = allInputs.length;
    var bmnContainer = document.createElement("div");
     bmnContainer.id = "reify-bugmenot-container";
    var bodyEl = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    if (!bodyEl) return;
    for (var i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) {
        var pwField = allInputs[i];
        //GM_log (allInputs[i].type.toLowerCase());
        if (!(pwField.type && pwField.type.toLowerCase() == "password")) {
        var previousTextFieldInd = getPreviousTextField(i,allInputs);
        if (previousTextFieldInd == -1) {
            if (DEBUG) {
            GM_log("Couldn't find text field before password input " +
               i + ".");
        var usernameField = allInputs[previousTextFieldInd];
        usernameField.setAttribute('passwordInputIndex', i);
        Utility.addEventHandler(usernameField, "focus",
        Utility.addEventHandler(usernameField, "blur",
        Utility.addEventHandler(pwField, "focus", pwField_onfocus);
        Utility.addEventHandler(pwField, "blur", pwField_onblur);
        pwField.setAttribute('usernameInputIndex', previousTextFieldInd);
        pwField.setAttribute('passwordInputIndex', i);
        var getLoginLink = menuLink(bmnUri, "Get login from Bug Me Not",
            "Get a login from Bug Me Not",
            getLoginLink_onclick, Style.menuLink, previousTextFieldInd,
            i, menuLink_onmouseover, menuLink_onmouseout);
        var getLoginLinkWrapper = menuEntry(getLoginLink,
        var fullFormLink = menuLink(bmnUri, "More options",
            "See more options for getting logins from BugMeNot.com " +
            "(opens a new window)", openMenuLink_onclick,
            Style.menuLink, previousTextFieldInd, i,
            menuLink_onmouseover, menuLink_onmouseout);
        var fullFormLinkWrapper = menuEntry(fullFormLink,
        var visitBmnLink = menuLink(bmnHomeUri, "Visit Bug Me Not",
            "Go to the Bug Me Not home page (opens a new window)",
            openMenuLink_onclick, Style.menuLink, previousTextFieldInd,
            i, menuLink_onmouseover, menuLink_onmouseout);
        var visitBmnLinkWrapper = menuEntry(visitBmnLink,
        var bmnWrapper = document.createElement("div");
        bmnWrapper.id = "reify-bugmenot-bmnWrapper" + i;
        bmnWrapper.className = "reify-bugmenot-bmnWrapper";
        copyProperties(bmnWrapper.style, Style.bmnWrapper);
    if (bmnContainer.hasChildNodes()) {

function menuEntry(linkEl, styleObj) {
    var p = document.createElement("p");
    copyProperties(p.style, styleObj);    
    return p;

function menuLink(href, text, title, onclick, styleObj,

    usernameInputIndex, passwordInputIndex, onmouseover, onmouseout) {

    var newMenuLink = document.createElement("a");

    newMenuLink.href = href;


    newMenuLink.title = title;

    newMenuLink.setAttribute('usernameInputIndex', usernameInputIndex);

    newMenuLink.setAttribute('passwordInputIndex', passwordInputIndex);

    Utility.addEventHandler(newMenuLink, "click", onclick);

    Utility.addEventHandler(newMenuLink, "mouseover", onmouseover);

    Utility.addEventHandler(newMenuLink, "mouseout", onmouseout);

    copyProperties(newMenuLink.style, styleObj);


    return newMenuLink;


function menuLink_onmouseover(event) {

    event = event || window.event;

    var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;

    copyProperties(target.style, Style.menuLinkHover);


function menuLink_onmouseout(event) {

    event = event || window.event;

    var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;

    copyProperties(target.style, Style.menuLink);


function getLoginLink_onclick(event) {

    var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

    if((!allInputs[this.getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')].value.length &&

        !allInputs[this.getAttribute('usernameInputIndex')].value.length) ||

        confirm("Overwrite the current login entry?")) {

        getLogin(bmnUri, this.getAttribute('usernameInputIndex'),



    menuLink_onmouseout({currentTarget: this});

    event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault( );

    return false;


function openMenuLink_onclick(event) {

    if (typeof GM_openInTab != 'undefined') {


    } else {



    menuLink_onmouseout({currentTarget: this});

    event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault( );

    return false;


function usernameField_onfocus(event) {

    var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

    event = event || window.event;

    var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;

    target.setAttribute('hasFocus', true);

    showHideBmnWrapper(target, allInputs[target.

getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')], true);


function usernameField_onblur(event) {

    var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

    event = event || window.event || this;

    var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;

    target.setAttribute('hasFocus', false);

    var fRef = hideIfNoFocus(allInputs[target.



    // race condition: wait for other element's onfocus

    setTimeout(fRef, BLUR_TIMEOUT);


function pwField_onfocus(event) {

    var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

    event = event || window.event;

    var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;

    target.setAttribute('hasFocus', true);


            target, true);


function pwField_onblur(event) {

    var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

    event = event || window.event;

    var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;

    target.setAttribute('hasFocus', false);

    var fRef = hideIfNoFocus(allInputs[target.



    // race condition: wait for other element's onfocus

    setTimeout(fRef, BLUR_TIMEOUT);


function hideIfNoFocus(usernameField, pwField) {

    return (function( ) {

        var bUsernameFocus = usernameField.getAttribute('hasFocus');

        if (typeof bUsernameFocus == 'string') {

            bUsernameFocus = (bUsernameFocus && bUsernameFocus != 'false');


        var bPasswordFocus = pwField.getAttribute('hasFocus');

        if (typeof bPasswordFocus == 'string') {

            bPasswordFocus = (bPasswordFocus && bPasswordFocus != 'false');


        if ((!bUsernameFocus) && (!bPasswordFocus)) {

            showHideBmnWrapper(usernameField, pwField, false);




function showHideBmnWrapper(usernameField, pwField, show) {

    var bmnWrapper = getBmnWrapper(pwField.


    if (show) {

        bmnWrapper.style.display = "block";

        positionBmnWrapper(bmnWrapper, usernameField, pwField);

    } else {

        //GM_log('hiding bugmenot wrapper');

        bmnWrapper.style.display = "none";

        // Menu links may not get onmouseout event, so they get

        // stuck with the hover style unless we do this.

        var menuLinks = bmnWrapper.getElementsByTagName("div");

        for (var i = 0; i < menuLinks.length; i++) {

            copyProperties(menuLinks[i].style, Style.menuLink);




function positionBmnWrapper(bmnWrapper, usernameField, pwField) {

    var pwLeft = Utility.elementLeft(pwField);

    if (pwLeft + pwField.offsetWidth + bmnWrapper.offsetWidth +

        Utility.scrollLeft( ) + 10 < Utility.viewportWidth( )) {

        bmnWrapper.style.left = (pwLeft + pwField.offsetWidth + 2) + "px";

        bmnWrapper.style.top = Utility.elementTop(pwField) + "px";

    } else {

        bmnWrapper.style.left = (Utility.elementLeft(usernameField) -

            bmnWrapper.offsetWidth - 2) + "px";

        bmnWrapper.style.top = Utility.elementTop(usernameField) + "px";



// We have a uri param rather than assuming it's for the current

// page so this function can be modular and potentially used

// for pages other than the current one.

function getLogin(uri, usernameInputIndex, passwordInputIndex) {

    var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

    var usernameField = allInputs[usernameInputIndex];

    var pwField = allInputs[passwordInputIndex];

    waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, false);


    var hostUri = location.hostname;

    var firstAttempt = retrievals == 0;

    var submitData = "submit=This+login+didn%27t+work&num=" + retrievals +

        "&site=" + encodeURI(location.hostname);


        method: firstAttempt ? "get" : "post",

        headers: firstAttempt ? null :

            {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},

        data: firstAttempt ? null : submitData,

        url: firstAttempt ? uri : bmnView,

        onload: function(responseDetails) {

if (responseDetails.status == 200) {

            waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, true); 

            decoded = decodeit(responseDetails.responseText);

            var doc = textToXml(decoded);

             if (!(doc && doc.documentElement)) {

              return Errors.say(Errors.malformedResponse);



            var accountInfo = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("td")[0];

            if (!(accountInfo)) {

            return Errors.say(Errors.noLoginAvailable);


            usernameField.value = accountInfo.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

            var pwsField = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("td")[1];        

            pwField.value = pwsField.childNodes[0].nodeValue;



            return Errors.say(Errors.xmlHttpFailure);



        onerror: function(responseDetails) {

            waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, true);





function waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, restore) {

    document.documentElement.style.cursor = restore ? "default" : "progress";

    usernameField.value = restore ? "" : "Loading...";

    //usernameField.disabled = !restore;

    //pwField.disabled = !restore;


function getPreviousTextField(pwFieldIndex,allInputs) {

    //var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

    for (var i = pwFieldIndex; i >= 0 && i <allInputs.length; i--)

        if (allInputs[i].type && allInputs[i].type.toLowerCase( ) == "text")

            return i;

    return -1;


function decodeit(codedtext){ 

var regexkey = /var key = (.*?)\;/;

var match = regexkey.exec(codedtext);

if (match != null) {

var key = parseInt(match[1]);

} else {

    alert ("decoded key cannot be found\nbugmenot site has changed");


var codedtext = codedtext.replace(/<script>d\('(.*?)'\)\;<\/script>/gi, aaa);

//alert (codedtext);

return codedtext;

function aaa(str, strInput, offset, s){

    return d(strInput);


function decoder(data){

    var b64="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";

    var o1,o2,o3,h1,h2,h3,h4,bits,i=0,enc='';do{h1=b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));






        else if(h4==64)enc+=String.fromCharCode(o1,o2);

            else enc+=String.fromCharCode(o1,o2,o3)}while(i<data.length);

            return enc;



function d(strInput){


    var strOutput="";

    var intOffset=(key+112)/12;







        return strOutput;



function textToXml(t) {

    try {

        if (typeof DOMParser != undefined) {

            //t = toString(t);

//            var dp = new DOMParser( );

//            return dp.parseFromString(t, "text/xml");


var parser = new DOMParser();

//var t = t.replace(/<\?xml.*?\?>/g, ""); // strip <?xml ?> tag

//t = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n<rando>" + t + "</rando>";

//t = t.replace(/&(?!\w*;)/g, "&");


//alert(parser.parseFromString(t, "application/xml"));

return  parser.parseFromString(t, "application/xml");



        else {

            return null;



    catch (e) {

        return null;



var Errors = {

    noLoginAvailable: "Sorry, but BugMeNot.com had no login available " +

        "for this site.\nIf you're feeling helpful, you can click \"More " +

        "options\" to provide a login for future visitors.",

    malformedResponse: "Sorry, but I couldn't understand the response " +

        "from BugMeNot.com.\nThe service might be unavailable.",

    siteBlocked: "Sorry, but I couldn't understand the response " +

        "from BugMeNot.com.\nThe service might be unavailable.",        

    xmlHttpFailure: "There was an error in contacting BugMeNot.com.\n" +

        "The server may be unavailable or having internal errors.",

    say: function(msg) { alert(msg); return false; }


var Utility = {

    elementTop: function(el) {

        return Utility.recursiveOffset(el, "offsetTop");


    elementLeft: function(el) {

        return Utility.recursiveOffset(el, "offsetLeft");


    recursiveOffset: function(el, prop) {

        var dist = 0;

        while (el.offsetParent)


            dist += el[prop];

            el = el.offsetParent;


        return dist;


    viewportWidth: function( ) {

        return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("clientWidth");


    viewportHeight: function( ) {

        return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("clientHeight");


    scrollLeft: function( ) {

        return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("scrollLeft");


    scrollTop: function( ) {

        return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("scrollTop");


    detectAndUseAppropriateObj: function(prop) {

        if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement[prop]) {

            return document.documentElement[prop];


        else if (document.body && document.body[prop]) {

            return document.body[prop];

        } else {

            return -1;



    addEventHandler: function(target, eventName, eventHandler) {

        if (target.addEventListener) {

            target.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false);

        } else if (target.attachEvent) {

            target.attachEvent("on" + eventName, eventHandler);




main( );

// to do

// http://www.bugmenot.com/view/thecavernforum.com  Site Blocked

Отредактировано iDev.Pi (18-08-2012 01:49:38)




№217-01-2013 11:09:34

Группа: Members
Зарегистрирован: 31-03-2011
Сообщений: 1796
UA: Firefox 20.0

Re: BugMeNot

Хороший скрипт, до сих пор работает :)



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