Расширение: TabMix 0.1.3
Размер: 35 КБ
Автор расширения: SUN Chun-Yen
Сайт: http://hemiolapei.free.fr/divers/tabmix/tabmix.html.en
Перевод: Artlonger
Дата добавления/последнего обновления: 25.03.2005
Совместимо с версиями Firefox: 1.0 - 1.1
В данной версии присутствует только русская локаль.
В данном расширении соединено множество фич позаимствованных из различных расширений по работе с вкладками. В них входит:
Links opening:
- Force links (including the links from Extension Manager, Theme Mananger and Help Window) that open new windows to open in new tabs or current tab.
- Open the JavaScript popups in new tabs
- Open bookmarks, search results, and URLs in the address bar in new tabs.
- Lock tab (the links in a locked tab will be opened in a new tab).
- Force the links to external domain to open in new tabs (1).
- Force the links with target attribute to open in current tab (1).
- Enable Single Window Mode (1).
Tab features:
- Focus the left tab or the last selected tab when closing a tab.
- Don't close the window when closing the last tab(4).
- Open new tab next to the current one.
- Load Homepage when opening a new tab.
- Undo close Tab(3).
Appearance of tab and tab bar:
- A close button will be shown, always or when mouse move on it (2), on the tab tag.
- When too many tabs, enable mouse scrolling tab bar, show a scrolling button on the tab bar, or use multirow tab bar(5).
- Move the tab bar to the bottom of the window. (You don't need to restart Firefox !!)
- Set the width of tab.
- Hide the close button on the right of tab bar.
- Show a progress meter on tab's tag when loading.
- Make spaces on tab bar for drop and click.
- Mark the unread tabs.
- Mark the protected and locked tabs.
Mouse gestures:
- Drag the tab to change it's order.
- Focus the tab pointed by mouse(6).
- Switch the tab by scrolling.
- Double-clicking to open new tab, close tab, duplicate tab (and it's history session), or reload tab.
- Ctrl - Click functions as Middle-Click (Clicking on tab to close, on tab bar to reopen).
- Show or hide the new Menu items of the context menu of tab (bar), such as Duplicate tab, Close right/left tabs, Undo close tab, Permissions (docShell), etc.
1. Advanced settings, for advanced users only!!
2. The delay time is controled by the hidden setting : extensions.tabmix.tabXDelay, default value: 50 (ms).
3. Tabs can be reopened via tab bar context menu, middle click on tab bar, or Ctrl-Shift-F12.
4. Another hidden setting: extensions.tabmix.keepLastTab, set to true to not show a blank page when closing the last tab.
5. Hidden setting for max row : extensions.tabmix.tabBarMaxRow, default value: 3, min: 2, no max limit.
6. Hidden setting for delay time : extensions.tabmix.mouseOverSelectDelay, default value: 250¡C
Отредактировано ArtLonger (25-03-2005 08:40:32)