Не могу залогиниться постоянно при входе после ввода пароля пишет Oops! We ran into an issue while signing you in, please take a break and try again soon.
Причем с гугло хромиум браузеров заходит без вопросов
С фф браузеров пробывал с разных, чистил кэш, ставил новый браузер, не заходит, что фф что ватерфокс
ВПН не помогает

Кто сталкивался? Есть идеи?

19-05-2023 15:37:49
Юзерагент менял - не помогло

https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/commen … hcallback/

скрытый текст
Sign in loop - error=OAuthCallback

Just putting this out there in case someone else googles it without an answer.

My pc has dual operating systems and I frequently find my time settings off. Either windows is correct or Linux is, but never both.

Anyway, I noticed that when I attempt to sign into chat.openai.com via Firefox when my system time is incorrect, I get stuck in a sign in loop that errors with ‘error=OAuthCallback’. When I correct my system time, I can sign in fine.

This seems to only happen with Firefox. I can still sign in via Chrome even when my system time is off.

My speculation is that firefox uses the system time to manage cookies, and mine are reporting back as “expired” since time is so far off, and chrome uses a different method to manage the time and TTL of cookies.

Anyway, if you’re stuck in a sign in loop and seeing ‘error=OAuthCallback’, first check your system time and then clear your cookies.