>Форум Mozilla Россия http://forum.mozilla-russia.org/index.php >Firefox http://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewforum.php?id=4 >Shumway http://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewtopic.php?id=66692 |
barth > 17-02-2015 14:27:49 |
Как включить Shumway?
скрытый текст shumway.ignoreCTP (boolean) - for Firefox 21 and up, the extension is shown only when the click-to-play is enabled (see the setting below). Set the value of this key to true to bypass this check and always show the Shumway extension instead of the plug-in (the browser must be restarted when this setting is modified); plugins.click_to_play (boolean) - enables click-to-play (requires native Flash plug-in to be installed), also for Firefox 23, on about:addons plugins tab, set "Shockwave Flash" to "Ask to Activate"; shumway.turboMode (boolean) - if true is specified, overrides frame rate to 60 fps; shumway.whitelist (string) - comma-separated list for the sites/domains that can be accessed using URLStream/NetStream objects, if the request originated to the different URL than movie domain; shumway.appCompiler (boolean) - if true is specified, enables compiler for the flash AVM2 byte code in the SWF files (default is true); shumway.sysCompiler (boolean) - if true is specified, enables compiler for the system libraries (default is false); shumway.verifier (boolean) - if true is specified, enables variable type verification and execution optimization for the compiler (default is true); shumway.force_hidpi (boolean) - if true is specified, always uses devicePixelRatio to scale canvas, e.g. looks sharper on retina displays (default is false); shumway.hud (boolean) - if true is specified, shows frame/performance counters; shumway.enableForPrivate (boolean) - if true is specified, enables Shumway in Private Browsing mode; shumway.externalInterface.trace - if true is specified, traces external interface calls; shumway.swf.whitelist (string) - (starting Firefox 38, see bug 870553) comma-separated list of the patterns for urls of the SWFs or/and pages. An example for SWF url pattern is http://example.org/*.swf and an example for page url pattern is @http://example.org/movies/*. The space can be use to combine these two, e.g. @http://example.org/movies/* http://example.org/*.swf. Multiple entries can be used as @http://example.com/movies/*,http://example.org/*.swf; dom.mozBrowserFramesEnabled (boolean) - if true, enables mozBrowser attribute for iframe, and allows Shumway instances to be opened out-of-process; shumway.rtmp.enabled (boolean) - if true, RTMP communications is enabled. dom.mozTCPSocket.enabled (boolean) - if true, enables mozTCPSocket, when RTMP is used this object is needed for "rtmp" and "rtmps" protocols; |