Всю жизнь у всех (наверно) программ справка вызывалась клавишей F1.
Почему у Firefox - нет?
Почему спрашиваю? Добавляю на свой сайт список горячих клавиш, пробую на файерфоксе - и опля! - не работает! Непорядок.

Потому что пользователи слишком часто её нажимают по ошибке:

Thanks to bug 489245 and bug 498920, we have been able to verify a theory that many people are hitting F1 by accident.

We set up separate target pages for people who arrived on support.mozilla.com by selecting Help > Firefox Help from the menu vs people who arrived there by pressing F1.

The results for September:

* For people using the Help menu, the bounce rate was 32.3%
* For people pressing F1, the bounce rate was 98.2%!

These results clearly show that the user does not intend to open the support website by pressing F1 -- it is reasonable to believe that the F1 keystroke was accidental, e.g. when the user was typing.

The keyboard shortcut F1 should be removed from Firefox.


https://blog.mozilla.org/metrics/2009/0 … x-support/ ;)

“Cat jumped onto laptop”
Котаны такие котаны... :):lol: