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Firefox » DarkFox » 28-04-2006 00:46:44

@Dark-Demon: what is monstryatinu tbx? babelfish.altavista.com wont translate it to english so i dont understand what u want to change on firefox user interface. by the way: look where i'm from - i cant speak russian :(

Firefox » DarkFox » 23-04-2006 03:51:19

ok it is the extension that give the option to copy link names. uninstalling this everythink works fine =)

now i have a german firefox with some english and some russian extensions but thats ok! it's really cool work! thx

i wait for an update with adblock0.7 and maybe language switcher extension and english language inside by default =)

Firefox » DarkFox » 21-04-2006 16:33:25

Выделить код


error: undefined entity
source file: chrome://cln/content/cln.xul
line: 22, column: 2
source text:
 <menuitem label="&cls.context.main;" id="cls-context" insertafter="context-sep-copylink" oncommand="CopyLinkSource()" statustext="&cls.description;"/>

i have translated the german parts of the error message so maybe its not 100% like in a english firefox.

Firefox » DarkFox » 16-03-2006 03:17:01

Hello nice work, but can not use it in this way, is it possible to run DarkFox in other languages? Also others than english. is it enough to install an language pack extension?

if i install german language pack and call darkfox from cmd with "-contentLocale de-DE -UILocale de-DE" it will look like this:


maybe you can give Language Switcher Extension and english or german language pack a chance ;-)

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