>Форум Mozilla Россия http://forum.mozilla-russia.org/index.php >Флейм http://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewforum.php?id=14 >Merry Christmas from Mozilla Italia !!! http://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewtopic.php?id=14639 |
fabrixx > 25-12-2006 01:23:31 |
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom !!! http://forum.mozillaitalia.org/index.php?topic=23601.0 A very very mozilla good year !! |
Quicksilver tears > 25-12-2006 01:52:08 |
fabrixx |
SurferNet > 25-12-2006 15:17:23 |
Felice anno nuovo! |
fabrixx > 25-12-2006 16:23:14 |
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom Maria Sharapova. |
SurferNet > 25-12-2006 18:39:23 |
Monica more beautiful, than Maria |
vladmir > 25-12-2006 21:47:33 |
Конкурс на логотип для Мозилла Италия - обалденные картинки!!! http://www.mozillaitalia.it/associazione/contest/partecipanti.html ''',^oo^^oo^,,,,,,,,,''' |
fabrixx > 25-12-2006 21:59:29 |
vladmir пишет
There are the results of the contest to establish the associaton's logo. This is the winner logo: Ciao:) |
vladmir > 26-12-2006 10:38:19 |
I see. A lot of beautiful pictures. Ciao |