Сегодня в своем блоге Asa Dotzler (не последний человек в Mozilla Foundation) привел некоторую любопытную информацию по поводу того к чему может привести изменение скрытых настроек Firefox с целью ускорения его работы.
По поводу включения  HTTP pipelining:

Yes, enabling HTTP pipelining can dramatically improve networking performance. The downside, and the reason it's not enabled by default, is that it can prevent Web pages from displaying correctly. If you've enabled this, and you find pages that aren't displaying correctly, please don't blame Firefox or the Web developer. It's probably the fact that you enabled an "unsupported" feature which is incompatible with some Web servers and proxy servers.

По поводу установки параметра "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" в "0":

The second change, setting the initial paint delay at zero, may get you some content on the screen faster, but it's worth noting that it will dramatically slow down the time it takes the entire page to display. Here's what's going on. Gecko, Firefox's rendering engine, is trying to optimize between the cost of waiting for a bit more data versus doing more painting and reflows as new data comes in. Waiting a bit longer before it starts painting the page gives Gecko a chance to receive more content before chewing up CPU cycles to render and reflow the document. If you drop this value down to zero or near zero, that means you'll see the page start displaying a bit earlier, but not having received much data in that short interval, you'll have a lot more paint and reflow cycles to complete rendering of the page.

Как видите за все приходится платить и чудес не бывает

Feel free to experiment, but remember that most of the defaults are defaults for a reason. If your browser starts misbehaving or web sites look broken, it might be worth going back to default settings.

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Про nglayout.initialpaint.delay я понял что лучше не ставить.
Но во есть ссылки где пишется как разогнать, там много чего, так вот кто-нибудь пробовал так делать? Безопасно ли это?
